Guidelines & Conditions

Who can join VVIP Women In Power’s Network?

  • Professional women having years of experience in Business and need to learn more and grow, attending local and international conferences.
  • Women entrepreneurs, managers, leaders in high positions who can be role models with best practices.
  • Motivated women who need to belong to a community of powerful businesswomen where connections will enrich their lives by sharing experiences and learning for improvement,
  • Successful women who are willing to empower other women in community and to power related projects.
  • Businesswomen who want to commit in Corporate Social Responsibilities’ activities by contributing to economic development and adding value on the environment and the society wellbeing.
  • Women managers who care about their career’s growth and need to connect.

How to apply?

  • Go to Join our Network, Click Apply, complete the form, and submit.
  • The Board Members will review all the applications and approve within 10 days of application’s receipt.

Joining fees

There are NO FEES to pay to join our VVIP Network after the Board’s approval. However, the joining businesswoman must be active, contributing from her time and participating in our development programs. Her commitment will lead to the success of our mission.

Who is eligible to apply for membership?

Professionals approved in our VVIP Network, active in our development programs for two years at least, having an outstanding career position, must be referred by two Board Members, and approved by the President.

Who can refer you?

Two members of Women In Power need to recommend you to the Board

Membership fees?

The annual membership fees are LL200,000 to be paid upon Board Members’ approval.